In this time of singularity and isolation brought about through political disparity and chaos, with everyone being forced to individualise kinship structures need to be changed and given a greater importance in our lives. I have created a proposition in the form of an artwork as a way to create space from conversations around kinship in order to produce, and question how we validate knowledge. It is a way to map out a family tree in a Queer sense. Moreover, looking to how you create your own narrative in relation to others.

This is an ongoing study that is in early development stages....


(please see additional audio recording for short example of a response.)

• Can you describe the different types of friendship you have?

• Can you please speak about how you value these different types friendships?

• Can you talk about one particular friendship that is not like any other?

• Is there anyone that you feel you were destined to be with and why?

• Please describe what you see as the difference between kinship and friendship?

Are mentors something that falls into friendship?

• Do you ever feel a responsibility to a friend? Guilt even?

(What is a healthy relationship).

• Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Did it get resolved?

• Describe how people helped you out in the past?

• Can you also talk about one person who you consider to have influenced your life?

• Describe a memory with a friend that you love, any memory.

• Is there someone who speaks more in your friendship?

• Have you ever lived with friends? Did this effect the relationship?

• What does sisterhood mean to you?

• Do you talk about every subject with your friends?

• What are you attracted to in a friendship?

• Have you ever been physically attracted to a friend?

• Does gender play a part in your friendships?

• Can you draw a map your friendships/network of friends over the last few years?

• Who is your oldest/youngest friend?

• Can you describe growing with a friend, and how they may or may not have


• Would you claim that your friend has witnessed you in many acts?